Parish Bulletin Board
For February 8, 2025: * For the Mass Intentions / Tabernacle Lamp Offerings, scroll down to the Liturgy Schedule _____________________________________________________ WISH TO BECOME MEMBERS OF ST. GIANNA’S PARIS...

Monthly Nuptial Blessings: Feb.11
The Vocation of Marriage continues to be foundation for the building up of society and the Church. As an icon of Christ’s own love for the Church, marriage is at the service of the entire community, as we witn...

Next Newcomers Session: Feb.23
Thank you to all who participated in our most recent session. Completed registration forms should be submitted directly to Fr. Darrin after the Mass you attend. We look forward to welcoming you as members of...

Monthly Nuptial Blessings: Jan.14
The Vocation of Marriage continues to be foundation for the building up of society and the Church. As an icon of Christ’s own love for the Church, marriage is at the service of the entire community, as we witn...

Christmas Season Schedule
Celebrating the FIVE Events of the Christmas Season: SOLEMNITY: THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (The Gathering Rite and singing of carols will begin 30 minutes before each Christmas liturgy) Tuesday, December 24th – Ch...

Monthly Memorial Mass: Jan.7
Since July 2024, a Memorial Mass has been offered within the context of our 7:00pm Novena Mass to St. Gianna, for all those who have died in that month and have been entombed or memorialized within Living Waters...

Monthly Nuptial Anniversary Blessings
Beginning Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, within the 7:00 p.m. Novena Mass The Vocation of Marriage continues to be foundation for the building up of society and the Church. As an icon of Christ’s own love for t...

Advent Reconciliation Opportunities
ADVENT SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION OPPORTUNITIES As we prepare for the great days of Christmas, Advent provides a wonderful opportunity to make ourselves spiritually prepared for such a great Feast. For many, ...

Monthly Memorial Mass: Dec.3rd
Since July 2024, a Memorial Mass has been offered within the context of our 7:00pm Novena Mass to St. Gianna, for all those who have died in that month and have been entombed or memorialized within Living Waters...

Next Newcomers Session: Nov.24
Thank you to all who participated in our most recent session. Completed registration forms should be submitted directly to Fr. Darrin after the Mass you attend. We look forward to welcoming you as members of...

Monthly Memorial Mass: Nov.5th
Since July 2024, a Memorial Mass has been offered within the context of our 7:00pm Novena Mass to St. Gianna, for all those who have died in that month and have been entombed or memorialized within Living Waters...

All Souls’ Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) – November 2nd The Liturgy for All Souls’ Day will be celebrated on Saturday morning, November 2nd at 10:00 a.m. At this Mass, we remember and pray for...

Celebratory Weekend
Our parish community celebrates its 20th Anniversary this fall! We will hold a Dinner & Dance event on Saturday, October 5th, 2024, to mark this milestone in the life of our parish! Our special guest for the e...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Serena & Jeremy, were united in the Sacrament of Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Katrina & Francis, were united in the Sacrament of Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage...

Next Newcomers Session: Sept.29
Thank you to all who participated in our most recent session. Completed registration forms should be submitted directly to Fr. Darrin after the Mass you attend. We look forward to welcoming you as members of...

Monthly Memorial Mass: August 6th
Beginning in July 2024, a Memorial Mass will be offered within the context of our 7:00pm Novena Mass to St. Gianna, for all those who have died in that month and have been entombed or memorialized within Living ...

St. Gianna’s Harvest
St. Gianna’s Harvest Ministry has established our own Parish vegetable garden. Our Parish garden is designed with the intention of providing some much needed vegetables to various organizations such as Mission...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Christine & Gerard, were united in the Sacrament of Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage...

Father’s Day – June 16
This Sunday, June 16th is Father’s Day. Please take time to visit and pray for your Father! Living Waters Columbarium will be open Father’s Day from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. for visitation....

35th Anniversary of Ordination
Happy Anniversary of Your Ordination to the Priesthood, Fr. Darrin! This Sunday, May 26th, marks the 35th anniversary of Fr. Darrin’s Ordination to the Priesthood. May God continue to bless you in your...

Feast Day of Our Patroness
Today is the Feast of Saint Gianna! As a parish community, we acknowledge such a wonderful gift in our Patroness. Saint Gianna, as a wife, mother and doctor, gives to us the most important witness as we set ou...

Happy Easter!
New Life in Christ, now and forever more… Easter is the proclamation and celebration of the new life offered to us in Jesus Christ. As we have learned to live and die with him, we also learn what it means to...

Holy Week Schedule
HOLY WEEK LITURGY SCHEDULE: Palm Sunday, March 23rd/24th Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Tuesday of Holy Week, March 26th Novena Mass in Honour of Saint Gianna – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday of Holy W...

Lenten Penitential Service – March 21
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Thursday, March 21st, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. during the season of Lent, as we prepare ourselves for Holy Week and the Easter...

Way of the Cross – Mar.14
Making the Most of our Lenten Journey Each year we are given this special time of Lent to ready ourselves the great celebrations of Easter. Through the renewal of our personal conviction and the deepening o...

Ash Wednesday Liturgy Times
Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 7:00 a.m. AND 10:00 a.m. Each year we are given this special time of Lent to ready ourselves the great celebrations of Easter. Through the renewal of our personal conviction an...

Prayer Shawl Ministry Donations
St. Gianna’s Prayer Shawl Ministry Each week, members of this ministry gather together to prayerfully create beautiful shawls to be given to those who are in need of a ‘spiritual hug’ of prayers and love as ...

Advent Penitential Service
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Thursday, December 14th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. during the season of Advent, as we prepare ourselves for the celebrations of...

Christmas Memorial Opportunity
We are pleased to offer our Christmas Poinsettia Memorial opportunity for all those who would like to remember their beloved deceased in this special way. The names of the deceased being remembered in whom a gif...

All Souls’ Liturgy 7:00 p.m.
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) – November 2nd The Liturgy for All Souls will be celebrated on Thursday evening, November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. On this day, we pray for all of our departed...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Saturday, baby parishioner Jidenna was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Parishioners interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish:...

Now Accepting Applications
*** Last Opportunity to Register for Sacramental Preparation and Children’s Faith Formation! *** Family Faith Formation Process including the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation This Septem...

Nuptial Celebrations
Last Saturday, both couples: Kathlene & Jann, and Camille & Mark, were united in the Sacrament of Marriage. May we continue to pray for these couples who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for a...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Saturday, baby parishioner Lannah was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Parishioners interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish:...

Nuptial Celebrations
Last Saturday, both couples: Marc & Maureen, Maximo & Danica, were united in the Sacrament of Marriage. May we continue to pray for these couples who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all w...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Kevin and Wencel were united in Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage covenant. Registered...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Sunday, baby parishioner Lhian Faith was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Parishioners interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish:...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Emmanuel and Sumandy were united in Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage covenant....

Faith & Fellowship Forum
An outgrowth of the church’s universal synod process is the invitation to continue the dialogue that Pope Francis so eagerly desires for the Church. In response to this invitation, all are invited to participa...

Parish BBQ – July 30
Join us for our Parish BBQ, scheduled for Sunday, July 30, following the 11:00 a.m. liturgy, sponsored by our Knights of Columbus. A freewill offering will be graciously accepted. Come and enjoy some food a...

Celebrated Baptism
This past Sunday, baby parishioner Leo was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Parishioners interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish:...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Pamela and Ahmed were united in Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage covenant. Registered...

First Eucharist Celebration
With great joy, our parish community celebrated the reception of First Eucharist for eleven young parishioners. Blessings to Mickaila, Holli, Meinard, Noah, Maya, Hugo, Malakai, Karlo, Benjamin, Althea and Be...

Celebrated Baptisms
This past Saturday and Sunday, baby parishioners Aleon, Kaira and Daniel were Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Parishioners interested in the celebration of Sacraments...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Saturday, Baby Gianna Hope was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the...

Feast Day of St. Gianna
FEAST DAY of SAINT GIANNA 10:00 a.m. Liturgy – April 28 Last Friday, April 28th, we celebrated the Feast Day of our patroness, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. The liturgy was followed by a light reception as man...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Saturday, Baby Akira Gianna was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish...

Celebrated Baptisms
At the Easter Vigil, Cheryl was Baptized, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and shared in the Holy Eucharist. On Easter Sunday, Baby Lilly was Baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Je...

Holy Week Schedule
The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us th...

Reconciliation 6:00pm
Lenten Confessions Sacrament of Reconciliation in Preparation for Easter *** Thursday, March 30th, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (note the time correction) *** Fr. Darrin and one other guest priest will be available...

Celebrated Baptisms
Last Saturday, parishioners Queencess and Baby Maxence were baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should...

Ash Wednesday Liturgies
Come and begin the Season of Lent with the traditional marking with ashes. This year, our parish Ash Wednesday liturgies will be held at 7:00 a.m. AND 10:00 a.m. Plan on attending one of our liturgies...

Celebrated Baptism
This week, Baby Juliet was baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish office at...

Christmas Liturgy Schedule
SOLEMNITY: THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD December 24th – Christmas Eve 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Liturgies December 25th – Christmas Day 10:00 a.m. Liturgy...

Celebrated Baptisms
Last Sunday, Baby Mckinsey and Baby Audrielle were baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered...

Food Items for Christmas Hampers
FEED A FAMILY – Christmas Food Hamper Outreach Thank you to all parishioners who participated in this outreach initiative by donating food items, children’s toys, and cash/gift cards for the perishable goods and...

Synod: Working Document
For a Synodal Church 2021-2024 Communion / Participation / Mission What is Synodality? Synodality denotes the particular style that qualifies the life and mission of the Church, expressing her nature as the Pe...

All Souls Liturgy 7:00pm
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) – November 2nd The Feast of All Souls will be celebrated on Wednesday evening, November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. On this day, we pray for all of our departed ...

Celebrated Baptism
This week, Baby Gianna was baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish office at...

Celebrated Baptism
This past Sunday, Baby Celine was baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish office at...

Celebration of Confirmation
Last Saturday, within the context of our 4:30 p.m. Sunday Liturgy, our young people received the Sacrament of Confirmation celebrated by Archbishop Gagnon. Our Knights also gifted each student with a YouCat (Y...

Nuptial Celebration
Last Saturday, Brittany and Stewart were united in Marriage. May we continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who live the marriage covenant. ...

Homecoming Event
We Long To See You Again! The September 17th & 18th weekend is our milestone weekend calling on all parishioners, especially those whom we have not seen since the beginning of COVID-19, to come back home to ...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Saturday, Baby Elisha was baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish office at...

Rosary Prayer at 6:15pm
The weekly communal praying of the rosary has moved to a new time on Tuesday! Beginning Tuesday, September 13, the Rosary will be prayed at 6:15 PM in the Worship Space, prior to the Novena Mass in Honour of...

Celebrated Baptism
Last Sunday, Baby Rachel was baptized into the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Registered families interested in the celebration of Sacraments should contact the parish office at...

Celebrated Sacraments
We pray for Irish and Lawrence who were united in the Sacrament of Marriage on Saturday, July 23, 2022. We continue to pray for this couple who reveal to us God’s dynamic love in our world, and for all who s...

Father’s Day 8:30am-3:00pm
Living Waters Columbarium – Father’s Day Visiting Hours “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”– Proverbs 22:6 Dads play no small role in the li...

First Eucharist Celebration
Last Sunday, three of our young parishioners, Alice, Joshua and Jeremy, celebrated the Sacrament of First Eucharist, receiving the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Each child was also gifted with a...