A Disciple’s Response

Stewardship is a profound spirituality that enables us to live out our Christian discipleship to the full. It is a way of re-connecting what seems to be the ‘ordinariness’ of our daily living with the extra-ordinariness of our life in God.
Stewardship begins with the simple awareness that God is the ultimate giver, beginning with the gift of our very life and everything else that follows – all that we have and hold. By God’s continual goodness and providence present in our lives, we are able to know what we know, and have what we have. Deeply conscious that God gives us all that we have and hold for our personal well-being and life, stewardship, therefore, calls us as Christian disciples to reveal to others what God’s goodness is all about. We do this by using our God-given gifts in the way that God intends.
How To Use Our Gifts
As God Intends

God’s greatest desire for each and everyone of us is to grow in our love for God and for one another. Jesus tells us, ‘You must love The Lord your God with all your heart, your mind and your soul, and your neighbour as yourself’ (Matt.16:2). The gifts that we have been given are given so that the greatest commandment of God can become possible in our lives. As stewards of God’s gifts, therefore, we must use everything God gives us in a God-given way so as to achieve our love for God and one another. The manner in which we use what we have and hold must always strive towards deepening these two important gospel values.
Stewardship Spirituality

At St. Gianna’s, ministry involvement is an essential piece of parish membership. We strongly encourage involvement in some part of the parish’s life for all our members. At St. Gianna’s we understand ministry involvement to be a part of our individual growth and discipleship as we become exposed to the various aspects of Christ’s ministry. Each ministry area invites members to participate for a three year period in order to allow for ultimate exposure to all that the church is forming us to become. Our annual call for new member involvement occurs in the fall, and also is a time for the 3rd year rotation of those currently committed to ministry.
Time, Talent
and Treasure

We have many opportunities to embrace the Stewardship way of life. These include sharing our talents within both our faith community and daily lives, nurturing our relationship with God through our commitment of time and contributing the first fruits of our labor through the gift of our treasure.
Stewardship is about embracing your potential and finding the treasure within. The more we participate in nurturing and sharing our gifts of time, talent and treasure, the more we develop our full potential in becoming the people that God created us to be. Embracing the Stewardship way of life allows us to rejoice in the gift of life and enables us to be truly human
From the youngest to the oldest, every member of our parish family plays a critical role in sustaining and growing our stewardship parish so that its transformative charism of discipleship can be felt throughout the world.