Parish Bulletin Board

For January 18, 2025:

* For the Mass Intentions / Tabernacle Lamp Offerings, scroll down to the Liturgy Schedule


Thank you to all who participated in our last information session for the year.  We look forward to welcoming you as members of our parish community!

If you wish to become a parishioner of St. Gianna’s, please attend the next New Parishioners Information Session by signing-up to join using the link below.

REVISED Date:  Sunday, February 23, 2025, following the 11:00 a.m. Liturgy

click:  New Parishioners Information Session – Sign Up


For Sunday, January 18 & 19, 2025
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading:
Isaiah 62.1-5

Responsorial Psalm 96:
“Declare the marvellous works of the Lord, among all the peoples.”

Second Reading:
1 Corinthians 12.4-11

John 2.1-12

Sunday, January 26th, 2025
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry has completed another collection of shawls ready to be blessed and distributed to those who are ill in any way and would benefit from knowing the communal prayers of our community.

These shawls will be made available and blessed on Sunday, January 26th, at the 9:00 a.m. liturgy.

On January 26th, parishioners who would like to pick up a shawl for someone who would benefit from such a prayerful gift, may pick up a shawl between 8:30 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. in the Narthex, before entering the worship space.  The prayer shawls will be blessed at the conclusion of the liturgy.

click:  Donate towards the Prayer Shawl Ministry


Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 within the 7:00 p.m. Novena Mass
The Vocation of Marriage continues to be foundation for the building up of society and the Church.

As an icon of Christ’s own love for the Church, marriage is at the service of the entire community, as we witness what enduring love can ultimately do.  Our patroness, Saint Gianna with her husband Pietro, knew the gift and responsibility of sharing in such a vocation.

On the second Tuesday of each month, the Novena Mass will include a special blessing for all of our married couples, including a renewal of vows for those marking 10, 25, 40, 50 or more years of marriage.  All couples marking their anniversary in that particular month are encouraged to make this event a part of their ongoing life together.  So for example, if you were married in the month of February, then this Mass with the Nuptial Anniversary Blessing on the second Tuesday of February (Feb.11), would be for you.

All are invited to bring their family and friends along with them as together with God and the community, we join in giving thanks for your vocation.

Please indicate if you will be participating in the upcoming Nuptial Anniversary Blessings for those married in February, by using the link below.

click:  Sign-up to Participate in the Nuptial Anniversary Mass



Next General Meeting – February 11th, 2025
The next General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the downstairs meeting room.  Please use the south entrance.

2025 Grocery Card Campaign
Grocery cards are available at the Knights’ table in the Narthex after the Sunday liturgies.  We accept cash or debit.  (Unfortunately, credit card service fees absorb most of the benefit we would receive, so it’s best that we accept only debit or cash to maximize our commission potential).

Thank you to all those who continue to participate in the Grocery Card program, it is greatly appreciated!
Please visit the Knights’ table in the Narthex after Sunday Mass and join the effort!


February 5, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. for Kindergarten
February 6, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. for Grades 1-12
1639 Pembina Highway, 204-453-4020


February 6, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.
12 Lennox Avenue, 204-257-0027


MAiD targets the vulnerable in our society, the very ones we should be providing care for.  Support a Culture of Life


If any one wishes to contribute $13 million (or part of) toward the mortgage, please know that your gift will be very much appreciated as a legacy gift for future generations to benefit from.
Please take time to remember St. Gianna’s Parish in your Will.

Thank you for ‘Being a Part of Something Great!’


Offer a Tabernacle Candle
Every Saturday, a new candle in each of the two Tabernacle Lamps are lit and burn for a seven day period, and can be offered up in memory of a loved one or as a part of an intercessory prayer for a special need.  click:  Offer a Tabernacle Candle Online



Tabernacle Lamp Intentions January 18-January 24, 2025:
1. For the Intentions of All Parishioners,
Requested by Fr. Darrin
2. This Candle is Available

Tabernacle Lamp Intentions January 25-January 31, 2025:
1. This Candle is Available
2. This Candle is Available

* If you wish to offer a Tabernacle Candle, see announcement above.

Saturday, January 18 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 PM Liturgy
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Intentions of Aurora de Dios,
Requested by Perla Javate

Sunday, January 19 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 AM Liturgy
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Intentions of Kaira Allison Vital,
Requested by Katrin Ann Param-Vital & Adrian Vital

11:00 AM Liturgy
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Intentions of All Parishioners,
Requested by Fr. Darrin

Tuesday, January 21Memorial: St. Agnes
6:15 PM – Communal Praying of the Rosary in Church
7:00 PM Novena Mass in Honour of St. Gianna Beretta Molla
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Intentions of Nenita Uygen,
Requested by N. Uygen

Wednesday, January 22 – Ferial
10:00 AM Liturgy
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Repose of the Souls of Anphonso and Augustino,
Requested by Sam Van Le

Friday, January 24 – Memorial: St. Francis de Sales
10:00 AM Liturgy
The Presider’s Mass Intention will be for the Intentions of Mildred Njegovan,
Requested by M. Njegovan

Tuesday to Friday  9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Columbarium Visiting Hours
Please consult the Columbarium website for Office and Visiting Hours
click:  Visiting Hours

In the event of a hospital emergency or the death of a loved one, please call the parish office at 204-488-3977, follow the prompts, choose ‘3‘ and please leave a voice message.

For columbarium needs, please call Living Waters Columbarium at 204-488-3977 during office hours.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to make our way through these challenging days.

Dear Parishioners,
Please doublecheck your junk or spam folder regularly.  To help ensure that the weekly email lands in your inbox instead of into spam, please add [email protected] to your email address contacts or safe senders list.
– St. Gianna’s Pastoral Team