“Gratitude, Generosity, Present Moment Living”

Rev. Fr. Darrin J.G. Gurr
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Church
15 Columbia Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3Y 0R5
[email protected]
Father Darrin J.G. Gurr, B.A., M. Div., M.A., is a priest of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg ordained to the priesthood in 1989. He has worked in both rural and urban parishes and has employed the principles of stewardship in all aspects of ministry. Fr. Darrin has facilitated workshops, conferences, study days and retreats in stewardship throughout Canada and in parts of the United States. He is currently the founding pastor of the new parish community of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba, a comprehensive stewardship parish. Fr. Darrin also serves as the Archdiocesan Director for Liturgy.
“We give generously not because there is a need out there, but because there is a need in us. When we are generous we set ourselves free to be who God made us to be.”Fr. Darrin Gurr Preaching on Generosity

“Fr. Darrin is an excellent, knowledgeable speaker. I was inspired by his presentation.”
“Fr. Darrin speaks with passion. He has profound insights for embracing stewardship as a way of life.”
“So inspiring. Fr. Darrin’s sense of humor is beyond awesome. A great presenter, super energy, with a true gift to preach and teach.”
Fr. Darrin’s New Book

LIVING STEWARDSHIP: How to Be Grateful, Generous, and in the Moment
Book by Fr. Darrin Gurr
The New Evangelization sweeping Catholicism is really a call to discipleship. But how do we actually live out that call in our daily lives?
Grounded in the stewardship principles of living gratefully, generously, and being present in the moment, Father Gurr fashions a spirituality for living today in a holistic, joyful, and abundant manner. This book is a disciple’s response to stewardship in the 21st century.
While certainly a suitable resource for transforming an entire parish community, this book is unique in regard to writings on stewardship, as it focuses on the spirituality of the Catholic individual and her/his search for a life with deeper meaning.
Available at St. Gianna’s Parish Office, Amazon and Novalis.
PODCAST: Twelve Wicker Baskets with Christopher Beaudet
Featuring Fr. Darrin Gurr
“The Spirituality of the Sunday Offertory” is the title of Fr. Darrin’s guest episode on Twelve Wicker Baskets. Twelve Wicker Baskets is a podcast that explores, with pastoral leaders and development professionals, all the many ways God meets the spiritual and temporal needs of our parish communities, our Catholic schools and the diocesan church. And not only meets those needs but provides in abundance.
Fr. Darrin explains how he sees the offertory as “a very sacred moment,” since it is “the very first act of the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist… and it is essential, because ultimately, it gives meaning to the celebration of the Eucharist. Until the gifts are gathered up and offered, the good things of the Eucharistic celebration can’t come to be.”
Some of the places Fr. Darrin has presented on Stewardship:

- Parish Missions/Conferences/Retreats:
- St. Mary’s Parish, Owen Sound, Ontario
- St. Theresa’s Parish, Thunder Bay, Ontario
- St. Michael’s Parish, London Ontario
- St. Justin’s Parish, London, Ontario
- Holy Family Parish, Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Holy Rosary Cathedral, Regina, Alberta
- St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- St. Viator’s Parish, Dauphin, Manitoba
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- St. Ignatius Parish, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- St. Michael’s Parish Calgary, Alberta
- St. John the Baptist Parish, Amherstburg, Ontario
- Sacred Heart Parish, Virden, Manitoba
- Catholic School Trustees, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
- Catholic School Teachers, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Catholic School Teachers, Wayburn, Saskatchewan
- Ascension Parish, Melbourne, Florida
Stewardship Conferences:

International Stewardship Conference, Toronto, Ontario
International Stewardship Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
Western Conference Stewardship Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Winnipeg Stewardship Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Region XVI Stewardship Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia
Western Conference Stewardship Conference, Regina, Alberta
Stewardship Conference, Diocese of Corner Brook and Labrador, Corner Brook, Newfoundland
International Stewardship Conference, Orlando, Florida
Region VIII, Stewardship Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Clergy Study Days:

Clergy of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Ontario
Clergy of the Diocese of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario
Clergy of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia
Clergy of the Diocese of Prince Albert, Prince Alberta, Saskatchewan
Stewardship Leaders:

Stewardship Leaders, Diocese of Seattle, Seattle, Washington
Stewardship Leaders, Diocese of Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona
Stewardship Leaders, Diocese of London, London, Ontario
Stewardship Leaders, Diocese of Prince Albert, Prince Alberta, Saskatchewan