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All events for 7:00pm Novena Mass

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August 2022

7:00pm Novena Mass

August 16, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:00pm on Tuesday, repeating until December 20, 2022

St Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, 15 Columbia Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 0R5 Canada
+ Google Map

The Novena Mass in Honour of Saint Gianna A tradition of praying together, celebrating the Eucharist and honouring the relics of this beloved Saint - a woman, wife, mother and a doctor. The Novena Mass is celebrated weekly, Tuesdays at 7:00pm. at St. Gianna's Parish.

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December 2022

7:00pm Novena Mass

December 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:00pm on Tuesday, repeating until December 20, 2022

St Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, 15 Columbia Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 0R5 Canada
+ Google Map

The Novena Mass in Honour of Saint Gianna A tradition of praying together, celebrating the Eucharist and honouring the relics of this beloved Saint - a woman, wife, mother and a doctor. The Novena Mass is celebrated weekly, Tuesdays at 7:00pm. at St. Gianna's Parish.

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7:00pm Novena Mass

December 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:00pm on Tuesday, repeating until December 20, 2022

St Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, 15 Columbia Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 0R5 Canada
+ Google Map

The Novena Mass in Honour of Saint Gianna A tradition of praying together, celebrating the Eucharist and honouring the relics of this beloved Saint - a woman, wife, mother and a doctor. The Novena Mass is celebrated weekly, Tuesdays at 7:00pm. at St. Gianna's Parish.

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