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Registered parishioners who have knitting and/or crochet skills, (beginner, intermediate, or those wishing to learn either skill for the first time) are encouraged to consider joining this ministry by attending one of the meeting times or by submitting a Prayer Shawl Ministry card available at the posters in the Narthex and you will be contacted by the Ministry.

Meeting Times:
Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., during choir practices, and
Thursdays 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.


Past Events:
Mini-Workshop – March 16/24


We are grateful for the wonderful Prayer Shawl Ministry active in our parish!

Each week, members of this ministry gather together to prayerfully create beautiful shawls to be given to those who are in need of a ‘spiritual hug’ of prayers and love as they face challenges of mind, body or spirit.

The wool used to create the shawls does not come cheap and has often been paid for by the ministry members themselves.  However, with the growing demand for prayer shawls, a financial burden is soon to become problematic.

Today, we are inviting financial donations to the Prayer Shawl Ministry for the purchase of yarn.  As always, donations will be included in the annual tax receipting process. 

Thank you to the members of this important and most unique ministry.  Thank you to all who can support this ongoing ministry of prayer, love and support.  Thank you for ‘being a part of something great!’

If you wish to make a donation to the Prayer Shawl Minstry, towards the purchase of yarn, please use the form below.