Continually growing in your relationship with Christ

A disciple is someone who continually grows in his or her relationship with Christ, and evidence of that deepening intimacy is a greater inclusion of God in all aspects of our lives, which should be reflected in our prayer life. Oftentimes, people think prayer requests should be addressing a physical health concern/crisis for themselves or someone they know. However, because we have a personal God who cares about everything in our lives, we can ask for prayers that are much broader in scope: prayers of thanksgiving, prayers for wisdom and good counsel, prayers for our relationships with family, friends and co-workers, prayers for our work, prayers for peace and healing, prayers to be able to forgive, prayers for growth in our faith, prayers for overcoming doubts, prayers for safe travels… Such prayers show a closeness to God and a trust in His presence and action in our lives.

“…I listen quietly for God’s voice. I kneel before the Blessed Sacrament in solitude, and it is the most peaceful, comforting hour of my week. I pray the rosary, read the prayer requests for our parish community, and I know that Jesus is listening. That hour in the Adoration Chapel has increased my faith and strengthened my discipleship, as well as increased my desire to serve others…”