About the Adoration Chapel and Ministry

Prayers for an Increase in Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life
Please remember to include this intention during your time in adoration on Thursdays.
Prayer themes have been chosen as the focus of the various Thursdays in the month. Prayer cards are provided.
The first perpetual adoration chapel in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, this place of prayer gathers adorers from throughout the archdiocese and beyond.
Open during office hours to the public for casual visits and to participating members of the Perpetual Prayer Ministry. Those who have become part of this great chain of prayer share in a special outreach of praying for the needs of the many who have requested prayers. Fulfilling a ministry once carried out by monastic communities of prayer, the perpetual prayers continue to offer the gift of communal intercession.
In reclaiming the fullness of the adoration devotion, we are not only being formed and transformed by the Eucharistic Presence of Christ, but we embrace the Mission inherent in the Eucharist, which is to give of ourselves sacrificially for the sake of others. Christ gives himself in the Eucharist for our benefit. In prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, we are called to grow in our understanding of what it means for each one of us to be a sacrificial gift for the benefit of others in need, and to be strengthened to act accordingly.