Living Waters Columbarium

Living Waters Columbarium offers a variety of options for entombment and memorialization of the beloved deceased. Our entombment niches, family chapels, memorial doors and memorial inscriptions ensure a place for everyone, from the infants who were lost prematurely through miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth to the those who lived well into their elderly years.

Entombment Niches

Living Waters Columbarium features 2700 niches. Most are designed to accommodate the remains of two adult urns. There is an option to include an infant’s urn alongside the adult urns. There are also a limited number of single niches, designed to hold the remains of one adult urn.

Family Chapels

Our chapels offer a unique opportunity to create a multi-generational legacy for families. Within each chapel, the family’s expression of faith is captured in the magnificent glass art and integrated into the overall image of the flowing waters of baptism. Those entombed and memorialized in the chapels form an intimate family mosaic within the larger family community of the columbarium.

Memorial Doors

Memorial niche doors are a wonderful way to commemorate a deceased loved one whose remains are entombed or interred elsewhere. Families may wish to purchase a memorial door for family members who have died in other parts of the world, so that they too can be included in the prayers and remembrance rituals celebrated.

Memorial Wall for the Unborn

Our memorial for the unborn enables families to create a place of prayer and memory for the briefest of lives lost through miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth. The wall was recently unveiled on the Feast Day of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, patroness of the unborn. It features each infant’s name and date of death. The babies whose names are inscribed are remembered and celebrated annually on the Feast of Holy Innocents.

Memorial Wall for Fallen Soldiers

Families are invited to create a place of prayer and remembrance for individuals who lost their lives for the sake of peace. The remains of those who died at war may not have been recovered, or may be buried in parts of the world that are not easily accessible to family members. Inscribing the name and military title of the deceased on the memorial wall ensures that the gift of their lives is always remembered and acknowledged.

Entombment of the Mortal Remains for a Child Who Has Died by Miscarriage

For parents who have experienced a miscarriage and desire to entomb the mortal remains of their unborn child, Living Waters Columbarium offers a designated niche for the safe keeping and perpetual care of the unborn.
Honouring life in all of its stages, this place of entombment offers a dignified and sacred way to ensure that every life is forever remembered as a life now lived in God.
Each year on the Feast of Holy Innocents, December 28th, a special Liturgy of Remembrance is held at this place of entombment to gather and remember the eternal life of each child.
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