March for Life – May 10

March for Life Winnipeg will take place on Thursday, May 10, 2018. This year’s March for Life activities will begin with Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 10:30 a.m. After Mass, participants will gather at the Manitoba Legislative Building, and the March will begin at 12:00 noon. The March will be followed by testimonials, speakers and closing prayer on the legislative grounds.

Are you interested in participating? Please email Kristi Stubbings at [email protected] or sign up by clicking on the link below. Kristi will be organizing our parish family’s participation in this community pro-life demonstration. We invite you to come and be a part of this important event which highlights the value and sanctity of all human life.

The National March for Life in Ottawa, the largest annual protest on Parliament Hill, has been set for May 10, 2018, and the theme for this year’s march is ‘PRO-LIFE ALL.IN.’ In light of recent politics associated with the Canadian Summer Jobs Program attestation of values and other “attacks on freedom of speech, expression and conscience from the highest levels of [Canadian] government…The National March for Life theme ‘PRO-LIFE ALL.IN.’ encourages Canadians to stand up for life without compromise, no exceptions and no excuses.”

Interestingly, Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete Et Exsultate: On the Call To Holiness in Today’s World, released March 19, 2018, provides additional, and rather timely, encouragement for all of us: “Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development.” Pope Francis encourages us to enlarge our pro-life “anti-abortion” stance, adopting a lens through which we view and defend at all times all human life from the very beginning of life to its end.

Let us prayerfully consider the words of Pope Francis and the opportunity for social action we have before us and ask ourselves. Are we willing to take time out of our busy schedule to, “stand up for life from the very beginning of life to its end”? If the answer is “yes”, then let us also consider joining together, supporting and encouraging one another as parish family, to engage in the Walk for Life in our community on May 10. 

Parishioners of St. Gianna’s are invited to meet at the church on the morning of May 10. We will depart St. Gianna’s Church at 9:30 AM, travel to St. Mary’s Cathedral to attend Mass at 10:30 AM, and then participate in the March for Life at 12 Noon. Please sign up online at (click on March for Life under “Parish News”) or email Kristi Stubbings at [email protected] to let her know of your intentions should you wish to participate. Why bother to sign up? Signing up will give you the chance to receive additional information and updates. 

Perhaps you will already be in the Winnipeg downtown area on May 10 and would like to join with us for some, or all, of the activities associated with the March for Life; that’s great too! We hope you do.